Showing posts with label homes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homes. Show all posts

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Until when, or are you forced!

By looking at the landscape of our country and people I arrived at a T junction. Not that our people don't afford, there is a wrong perception which we must deal with. (Entitlement is a bad disease, I classified it under viruses). Most of our people can do things, they afford to do things but they don't want to pay. Maybe is because they pay the wrong person or so? To my understanding, we need to change the way we do things. We need to passes our ways of life into laws, we need to be active citizens.

Until when? Surely we can do better than this. Why we still follow preachers who lead us into distress. By looking at the photo above, when will infrastructure come? Schools, shopping malls, roads, water, electricity, clinics, and all the basic needs? We must really look into such preachers and stop following them. They lead us astray.

We need to be in boardrooms on the decision tables. We need to be active citizens. We can't say we are South Africans and still continue doing what we are doing and expect none South Africans to take the lead. Let us work. Our government owes us nothing and we owes our government nothing.

Power to the people.

NB: We are responsible for our own policies.

Friday, July 13, 2018

We have answers to your property questions

We have answers to the following #property questions:

  • How long have you been looking for a #property?
  • What price rage are you looking at?
  • How much do you qualify for?
  • Are your finances in good order?
  • When are you planning to move in your own house?
  • Do you know that banks offer 100% on bonds?
  • Do you know that deposit make a huge different when purchasing a house?
  • Are you aware that new developments are cheaper than established suburbs?
  • Do you know that it only take a call to have a house?
  • Do you a have a property under your name?
When coming to #properties we are always in front and ahead of the pack. Make your research, add all findings, compare and make a well informed decision when buying residential properties. You can call/whatsapp to cross check your facts about properties. You can book property tour in our development even if your are not going to buy at Westview. Our information is freely available for all who want to know about residential properties.

Feel the contact form on the right we will get back to you.

10 Benefits of Using Instagram for Personal and Business Growth

In today's digital age, Instagram has become a cornerstone of social media engagement, offering a myriad of benefits for both personal a...